Drink Water Every Morning

It is critical to drink enough water in order to stay hydrated for your body to function properly. Water enables your organs to function properly, and through excersizing, thinking, and urinating we are constantly losing water. We teenagers most often are not hydrated enough ever. Therefore, we feel fatigued and cannot perform our best in school, athletics, or in socializing. Water helps us feel better and be healthier.

My Tip: Drink water first thing every morning. It’s really not that hard to do this daily. Just put a glass filled with water on your bedside every night and when you wake up drink the whole thing. The glass does not necessarily need to be completely filled – half way should be sufficient. Each morning when you wake up, look to your bedside, take the glass of water you filled the night before, and gulp it down. You will feel much happier, healthier, and energetic for the day.