Edible water bottle – Ooho

While I was researching for ideas, I came across this company called Ooho. It is an edible water company with goals to eliminate the plastic water bottles that are so detrimental to the environment. Ooho creates edible squares filled with water. You can take a square and pop it into your mouth, hydrating yourself. You can either eat the wrapping, which is made out of seaweed or just suck out the water and then throw the biodegradable seaweed wrap wherever. The company also makes flavored water and flavored drinks that they package inside of the edible squares if you are looking for some flavor with your hydration. The squares are not available for sale yet, but hopefully will be soon. However, the squares are available for events if you send an email to the company’s events email address. If you want to check out the company yourself, the link is down below. Plastic water bottles, all of them, get certain amounts of plastic particles into the water that you are drinking. The health effects of the massive amounts of plastic particles that are entering the water that you are drinking are still being researched, and are probably very detrimental towards your health. This biodegradable option is better for your health, as well as for the environment.

Just copy and paste it into google! : http://www.skippingrockslab.com/ooho!.html

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