Limit Electronic Radiation

Radiation is a topic that scares many of us, but many choose to ignore the threat. In today’s world, we all spend so much time on electronics. We text and call friends when walking on the streets to get somewhere. We use our computers to navigate the web, write documents, watch Netflix, read the news, and scroll through old photos. Many know about the effects of radiation, but choose to do nothing about preventing radiation from getting in our body.

We cannot prevent radiation. However, we can minimize the amount of radiation that we get.

Radiation can cause cancer by emitting high-frequency waves that can alter the DNA in your body. In order to prevent as much radiation from entering your body and altering your precious DNA, you can:

  1. use your phones/computers/iPods less
  2. when you take a call, use headphones instead of putting the phone directly to your ear
  3. move your phone out of your room when going to sleep and if you cannot do that then put it on airplane mode or put it on the floor (not at the level of your head)
  4. turn off wifi when sleeping
  5. when using electronic devices, move your head further away from the device
  6. use Bluetooth less
  7. use your phone in areas of better reception – as when there is bad reception your phone uses even more radiation to work well
  8. put your phone in airplane mode when you don’t have to use it
  9. don’t use wireless baby monitors.

The effects of radiation are understated in today’s society.

Try to do some of the suggestions I placed above more often to limit your radiation exposure.

