Counteract Procrastination: Pomodoro Technique

Procrastination, an emotional reaction to certain negative feelings, is avoidable. When you don’t want to do a task, you complete actions that entertain you in the short term in order to avoid being stressed. However, after procrastinating you have less time with more work to complete – not a good feeling.

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I researched reasons for which we procrastinate and how to stop the cycle. Through my research, I came across two strategies that I use to help me get work done efficiently.

First: The Pomodoro Technique

What is it: Maybe you’ve heard the term “pomodoro pasta sauce” but that is not what this technique refers to. The technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in 1980 while he was in university to try to improve his productivity. Basically, you focus for 25 minutes without distractions and then take a 5 minute break then focus for 25 more minutes. The short work increments enable your brain to receive the mental break it deserves and then efficiently work on the next task at hand after the small break passes. The short increments of work are not daunting, and therefore help you work continuously without procrastinating.

Second: Forest App

I’ve mentioned this app in the Apps to Try that Will Help you Enhance your Well-being article, but in addition to helping you use electronic devices less, this app can improve your productivity. When doing the Pomodoro Technique, set your Forest App tree to grow for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, and then grow another virtual tree for 25 minutes. In that way, you will not be able to access apps/websites that distract you during the 25 minute interval without damaging the tree that grows in your virtual forest. For each tree successfully grown, the app gives you points, and when you gain enough points, you can use them to grow your own tree through the organization Trees for the Future. You just press a button on the app and members of that organization grow a tree for you, offsetting some of the carbon impact you have contributed to the world.

Final Remarks: Stop procrastinating so much. I have now given you two easy ways to stop procrastinating, so take them into consideration and get work done so that you have more free time later for friends and fun.