Matza salmon/scallop stir fry

This is a very yummy recipe that is great for Passover! I was with my mom in citarella – she was going to buy salmon for dinner. Instead, I felt creative and came up with an idea of what to eat – stir fry with matza. I composed a list of what ingredients I thought would taste good together and my mom and I bought the ingredients I desired (I never looked online for ingredient ideas or meal inspiration). Then, we went home and i started preparing and cooking – my nanny helping me with the ingredients I didn’t know how to cook. When my family tried the finished dishes, they said my food tasted really good. I was surprised, yet happy, and wanted to share the recipe with you all.

Serves: around 6 people

Time: around an hour if you know what you’re doing – maybe a little more if you don’t – but don’t worry this recipe is very simple and easy to make!!

Health: This recipe is very healthy and delicious.


Cucumbers – 3 skinned cucumbers

Parsley – a bundle

Mushrooms (smaller ones ) – a bunch, probably around three or four cups worth

Onions – a half of an onion

Sesame seeds – use like 5 finger punches – you can add more to your liking

Garlic – two cloves, crush them

Sesame oil – I would say around a teaspoon

(honestly, you can use any fish – I’ve also tried branzino which works well also) Salmon or scallops (either, or – I wouldn’t encourage mixing both) – for salmon I would say use 4 pieces, for scallops – use 1 pound of bay scallops

Olive oil – 6 teaspoons (may need to use more while you are cooking but that is a good starting point)

Salt: only a little bit, as this is a very healthy recipe. Maybe a few pinches

Matza – maybe 5 egg-free whole squares

Thyme – as much as you want. I would say around 6 strands.


1: matza: preheat the oven to around 250 degrees. Put pieces of matza on an oven tray and place in the oven once the oven is heated fully. Continue to check on the matza periodically, turning it over on the tray. You want it to be toasted, slightly browned on both sides of every piece.

2. Cucumbers: Take out the cucumbers and cut all of them into small pieces (small little squares but not too tiny) – you probably want to cut the cucumbers on a cutting board. When fully cut, place the cucumber pieces on a plate or in a bowl.

3. Onion: Next, take off the onion sleeve and cut the onion into pieces a little smaller than the cucumber slices. When done, you can put the cut onion pieces into a bowl or on a plate, keeping them separated from the cucumbers.

4. Mushrooms: cut the mushroom stems off. Slice the mushrooms into 4ths and wash them thoroughly. Place them into a cup or bowl, keeping them separate from the other ingredients.

5. Parsley: take the parsley, wash it, and chop the leaves up into small pieces (only use the stems if you want). Place the chopped pieces of parsley into a plate or bowl.

6. Toasted matza: By this time your matza will most likely be toasted. Check on the matza again, and if it is toasted, crumble it up into pretty small pieces. You want it to be around the size of uncooked rice, although some pieces can be a bit bigger than that.

7. If using salmon: take four strips of salmon, cutting each into 4 square-like pieces.

7. If using scallops: take the scallops and cut each in half.


1. Put the pan on the stove, place the olive oil in the pan. Then, put the sesame oil in the pan. Put the setting on medium high. Put in the sesame seeds, spreading them out around the pan. When they start to brown, pour in all of the onions and stir. Wait until the onions start to brown. When the onions start to brown, put in the mushrooms, stir, and top the pan with a cover to keep the heat trapped inside.

2. When the mushrooms have shriveled, after like 5 minutes (more or less), put in the thyme, trying to take the leaves off of the thyme stems and discard the stems. However, if a few stems are place inside the dish, that is completely ok. Stir. After around 2 minutes, put in the parsley and stir. Next, after around 2 minutes, pour in the matza. Stir. Turn the stove to low. Wait around 30 seconds and then put in the salmon or scallops (depending on which sea creature you wanted to use). Turn the stove to medium. Put in the salt. Stir and continue to flip over the salmon/scallops until fully cooked. When the salmon/scallops are fully cooked, turn off the heat and wait for your finished dish to cool a little.

The Significance of Tea

Cut down on the sugared, artificial drinks like soda. Instead, delve into the numerous healthy flavors of tea. Tea is yummy, filled with nutrients, and easily accessible for various price ranges. All you need is hot water, a cup, and a tea bag. Honestly, it doesn’t really matter which tea bag you use, because most of them are good for you, and many of them taste spectacular. My favorite company is Tazo Tea. There are multitudinous flavors of Tazo Tea – you just have to find the one that you like the best – and the tea boxes (which cost around $5.99) come with 20 tea bags (enough to last a while). Swap your sodas for cups of tea and you will feel and be much healthier.

Here are three of the flavors and what the boxes and tea bags look like:

Drink Water Every Morning

It is critical to drink enough water in order to stay hydrated for your body to function properly. Water enables your organs to function properly, and through excersizing, thinking, and urinating we are constantly losing water. We teenagers most often are not hydrated enough ever. Therefore, we feel fatigued and cannot perform our best in school, athletics, or in socializing. Water helps us feel better and be healthier.

My Tip: Drink water first thing every morning. It’s really not that hard to do this daily. Just put a glass filled with water on your bedside every night and when you wake up drink the whole thing. The glass does not necessarily need to be completely filled – half way should be sufficient. Each morning when you wake up, look to your bedside, take the glass of water you filled the night before, and gulp it down. You will feel much happier, healthier, and energetic for the day.

Honeybrains – the cafe/restaurant that benefits your brain

Honeybrains is an amazing restaurant. You can go there to buy a snack, eat a meal, drink a juice, or try some fresh, raw honey. Everything at honeybrains is produced in order to benefit your well-being. The food shop is run by an intelligent neurologist who wanted to dedicate his life to spreading awareness about health through delicious edibles. You will never regret having gone to Honeybrains or any of the food you will have eaten there. I strongly suggest going to this restaurant.


Apps to try that will help you enhance your well-being

Forest – helps you limit your screen-time while benefitting the environment

Screen time – helps you limit and observe the amount of time you spend on your phone

Moment – helps you limit and observe the amount of time you spend on your phone

Fabulous – helps you, by giving you simple tasks to complete repeatedly, become a healthier, happier person

SafeTrek – helps you keep safe wherever you are. When in trouble, you just have to press a button and the police will come. Very helpful and it relieves anxiety just to have it.

Those are currently some of my favorite apps that help me to become much healthier and happier!!!

Cut Down on Phone Usage


Nowadays, everyone has a phone, and many people possess or utilize computers. However, phones (as well as computers) are ruining people’s mental health. Teenagers spend way too much time on their phones and computers. For example, the average time I spend on my phone used to be 2 hours and 30 minutes per day, and during school, I used my computer so much. When we are on our electronics all of the time, we don’t feel motivated to socialize with other people or be productive with our time. Our free time and hours living get wasted. Electronics are addicting, and being on electronics all the time has serious detrimental effects to one’s health. For example, social media has caused an increase in teen anxiety: teenagers get stressed out about their online image, and sometimes teenagers believe that their online image is more substantial than their real life being. In addition, using technology a lot induces people to be more inactive – and being inactive for long periods of time is bad for your health in numerous ways. According to an article by abc news, inactivity nowadays is as detrimental as smoking. Inactivity, which has increased due to expanding use of various forms of technology, is one of the leading causes of death nowadays.

What are steps we can do to cut down on our usage of technology:

Download the app “Forest” (from the app store on a phone and from an extension on a computer): I downloaded forest about a month ago and it is now one of my favorite apps. It costs $1.99 on the app store but the charge is utterly worth-it.The app encourages the user to plant trees and/or bushes, offering various time spans for which the user can select to build his/her tree. The longer the time span, the more elegant the plant that is grown will be. While the plant is being grown, the user cannot leave the app, or else his/her plant will die and the user’s forest will carry a barren tree. For each tree that is successfully grown, the user will earn coins (trees that take longer to develop will grant more coins). When a user gets a certain amount of coins (2,500), he/she can choose to spend those fake coins on building a tangible, authentic tree (a nonprofit organization builds the tree). Therefore, not only are you enhancing your own well-being (and therefore the well-being of those around you), but you are also protecting the environment we all live in!

Track your screen time – create a goal declaring how long you would like to spend on your phone each day and try really hard to restrict your phone usage to solely that amount of time. A nice app that helps you control your screen time is “Moment” (free on the app store). Moment is a free app that you can download from the app store. If you keep it in your phone’s background, it will show you how much time you spend on your phone each day. Another app is “Screen time”. Screen time is great and I fully recommend it! The free option helps you acknowledge how much time you spend on your phone, but the premium version allows you to monitor your screen time as well.

Take breaks from social media and Netflix: Social media lures many of us to our phones, and it is nearly impossible for some of us to resist the temptation to use our electronics when we desire. Electronics give you temporary comfort, satisfaction, and happiness, but are extremely detrimental in the long as well as short terms. The cons of using electronics most often outweigh the pros when teenagers use them the way they are using them now. Delete Instagram for a day. Just try it for a day, then maybe once a week. Next, maybe try to limit the hours you use social media to only certain points during the day. For example, say “at 7 A.M. I will check snapchat and then I won’t check it again until tomorrow at 7 A.M.”. Next, although it might be hard and frightening, lose your snapchat streaks. Streaks on snapchat give teenagers so much unnecessary anxiety that we can easily suppress. Streaks are not very important. Rather than continuously sending pictures of our faces to one another, we can text our true friends once in a while to make plans and communicate face-to-face. If losing your streaks is too upsetting for you, you can at least designate certain time periods to which you will use snapchat and try to restrain from using it for the rest of the day.

I promise that when you succeed in limiting your screen time, you will feel much happier, healthier, and energetic. In addition, I am very interested in hearing your complaints and struggles that relate to this article and helping you overcome them. Comment whatever thoughts, questions, or concerns you may have down below, and I will try my best to respond.