
Supplements can only be helpful, correct? Sadly, there is a rather complex answer to that question. 

In this article, I will paraphrase the evidence regarding supplements and then conclude with my advice and takeaways.

Potential Risks: The FDA does not regulate the dietary supplement market, meaning that your new multivitamin may have harmful chemicals in it. Some chemicals that you should watch out for are: food coloring, hydrogenated oils, and metals like lead and mercury (in omega-3 supplements). Food coloring can cause hyperactivity, hydrogenation in oils creates trans fat, which can cause cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and more ailments. Lead and mercury poisoning cause fatigue, pain, and nervous system problems such as difficulty with memory and concentration and personality changes.

Confusing studies: Studies on supplements show contradicting results. For example, the Harvard Medical Center found that high doses of vitamin E can lead to strokes caused by bleeding in the brain, excess calcium and vitamin D can increase the risk of kidney stones, excess folic acid and vitamin B can increase the risk of cancer, and high doses of vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage. However, the same Center also found that vitamin D and calcium can help osteoporosis, a multivitamin consisting of vitamins C, E, carotenoids, zinc, and copper can help fight macular degeneration, and folic acid supplements help prevent birth defects during pregnancy. Each supplement is associated with benefits and drawbacks, meaning that even if they help one condition they may be harming your body in another way at the same time.

Efficacy of Supplements: Many of the tests that study supplements are purely observational, meaning that they test the effect of the supplements without utilizing a placebo control group. From that method of experimentation, it is unclear whether the results stem from the supplements or a person’s lifestyle and habits. For example, some studies show that supplements cause health benefits when in fact the people who take supplements are usually more health conscious and their other lifestyle patterns benefit their health.

The VITAL study: This significant study was conducted at Brigham Women’s Hospital. They recruited 25,871 participants from all over the United States to participate in the trial to determine whether vitamin D3 (2000IU) supplements and omega-3 fatty acid supplements (1 gram) affected the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The findings, presented in November of 2018, showed that vitamin D supplements do not prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease but do lower the risk of cancer death, and omega-3 helps the heart only for those who barely eat fish. Different supplements have variable efficacy and side effects depending on factors such as bodily needs. 

What I recommend: Your first lifestyle choice should be to eat a nutritious diet. That is, a plant-based diet with fruits and many vegetables, which supply the nutrients and minerals your body needs. Whole foods supply not only the nutrients that supplements contain, but also various other molecules that make sure your body digests those nutrients in a safe way. 

Take a supplement if your doctor recommends it or if you have a certain disease or nutritional deficiency that you are not willing to fix by eating a more plant-based, whole foods diet. If you are willing to become healthier, eat more vegetables and whole foods rather than taking supplements. When you eat the whole foods, your body knows what to do. When you take a supplement, many times your body does not know what to do and needs the other molecules present in whole foods to break down the nutrients in the correct way. 

Counteract Procrastination: Pomodoro Technique

Procrastination, an emotional reaction to certain negative feelings, is avoidable. When you don’t want to do a task, you complete actions that entertain you in the short term in order to avoid being stressed. However, after procrastinating you have less time with more work to complete – not a good feeling.

If you’re wondering, “How can I alter my bad habits and stop binging Netflix” you’ve come to the right place.

I researched reasons for which we procrastinate and how to stop the cycle. Through my research, I came across two strategies that I use to help me get work done efficiently.

First: The Pomodoro Technique

What is it: Maybe you’ve heard the term “pomodoro pasta sauce” but that is not what this technique refers to. The technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in 1980 while he was in university to try to improve his productivity. Basically, you focus for 25 minutes without distractions and then take a 5 minute break then focus for 25 more minutes. The short work increments enable your brain to receive the mental break it deserves and then efficiently work on the next task at hand after the small break passes. The short increments of work are not daunting, and therefore help you work continuously without procrastinating.

Second: Forest App

I’ve mentioned this app in the Apps to Try that Will Help you Enhance your Well-being article, but in addition to helping you use electronic devices less, this app can improve your productivity. When doing the Pomodoro Technique, set your Forest App tree to grow for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, and then grow another virtual tree for 25 minutes. In that way, you will not be able to access apps/websites that distract you during the 25 minute interval without damaging the tree that grows in your virtual forest. For each tree successfully grown, the app gives you points, and when you gain enough points, you can use them to grow your own tree through the organization Trees for the Future. You just press a button on the app and members of that organization grow a tree for you, offsetting some of the carbon impact you have contributed to the world.

Final Remarks: Stop procrastinating so much. I have now given you two easy ways to stop procrastinating, so take them into consideration and get work done so that you have more free time later for friends and fun.

Global Warming: How and Why to Slow it Down

Our environment is undergoing climate change as a result of the large emissions of greenhouse gases from 1) transportation, 2) electricity, 3) industry, 4) commercial/residential appliances such as heaters and the handling of waste, 5) agriculture, and 6) more human technologies. According to NASA, since 1950 the carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere have shot up and are higher than they have ever been before. Prior to 1950, the levels spiked up and down but were mostly constant, whereas now the amount is increasing exponentially.

Why should I care about climate change? Climate change fuels frequent downpours in the Midwest and northeastern United States and droughts in the western United States and Alaska. The extreme weather that climate change creates affects the world food supply, diseases that affect human populations, and ecosystems. Greenhouse gases cause the ocean to become more acidic, affecting marine life and glaciers. Glaciers now melt all over the ocean, causing more water to fill the oceans and cover inhabited lands. There are many more reasons for which climate change matters and should be stopped, but these are just a few to get you thinking.

If you’re wondering “How can I solve this?” you might be confused as to how changing anything alone will make an impact. However, the decisions you make with respect to the environment influence those around you who will also begin making more conscious decisions if they notice you doing so. Overtime, the chain links spread and friends of friends will take on the initiative in their own way. In that way, one person really can make a large impact.

You can change the world!

Improve Sleep and Lessen Stress with 4-7-8 Breath

Invented by Dr. Andrew Weil, this breath is designed to facilitate sleep and minimize anxiety. In order to complete the 4-7-8 breath, breath in for 4 seconds through your nose, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds making a “whoosh” sound. Repetition is critical – complete this technique around two times per day with no more than four 4-7-8 breaths per interval (more than four breaths might cause lightheadedness) and over time you will begin to perceive tranquility and reduced stress.

This method is not scientifically proven. However, many holistic wellness approaches are not backed up by conventional western medicine practitioners yet still have considerable benefits. In addition, sometimes holistic wellness approaches can be more effective than western medicine counterparts.

The 4-7-8 breath is a respiration technique that many wellness websites, professionals, and books promote.

The precaution: don’t utilize the 4-7-8 breath before a highly stimulating activity – as it can cause deep relaxation and drowsiness.

Overall, the method is VERY EFFECTIVE and you should give it a go!

Eco-Friendly Clothing is More Healthy!

Toxicity of Clothing: The clothing industry is one of the most wasteful industries in the world. People buy clothing, throw clothing away, and then buy more clothing. In addition, lots of clothing contains toxic chemicals such as Glyphosate (carcinogenic), Chlorine Bleach (causes respiratory problem), and PFCs (carcinogenic, builds up in the bloodstream, and is toxic for the environment). Those are only three of the many toxic, disruptive chemicals found in mainstream clothing and materials like nylon, polyester, rayon, and inorganic cotton.

Healthy, Sustainable Clothing: Some clothing brands sell apparel that does not harm you or the environment. Those companies don’t use toxic chemicals and many use recycled materials to manufacture their clothes. These healthy clothing companies are not everywhere, yet they still are highly accessible (in stores and in numerous reputable online shops). Although some sustainable clothing companies have ugly clothes, many more have cute, trendy apparel (you just have to know where to shop). Healthy trendy clothing is on the rise, and stores that produce healthy apparel are rapidly gaining popularity.

Sustainable, Healthy clothing stores that I love include:



Allbirds (has the most comfortable shoes ever):


Mara Hoffman:

Outdoor Voices:

Adidas X Parley:

More Brands: Those are only my favorite sustainable, healthy clothing companies, but many more exist. If you are looking for more companies, email me and I will gladly share more with you!

You Will Feel Happier and more Satisfied if you buy Healthy,  Sustainable Clothing: Try you best to buy only the sustainable, healthy clothing options on the market. Sometimes it may seem hard to find sustainable, healthy clothing that you like but it’s really not difficult. Just look at the websites I suggested above and email me for more suggestions if you don’t like those websites (I won’t be offended). When you buy only clothing that’s beneficial for yourself and the environment, you will feel happier and more confident wearing your clothing, as the clothing supports a valuable cause.



Fitness is Important

Today, there are many opportunities to stay fit and enjoy exercising. There are many different variations of excersize that you can choose from. Exercising is extremely important. It helps your muscles function properly, your heart beat properly, your digestive system work properly, and more. Exercising helps with every system in your body, and if you don’t exercise daily, you are much more likely to develop serious problems later in life.

If you are not fit, start little by little. Walk 2 miles one day, 3 miles the next. Then, start jogging 1 mile each day for 2 days, and jog 2 miles the next day. Continue so on and so on. If you don’t like jogging/running, then there are many other activities to choose from.

A few exercise activities I like are:

  • FlyBarre classes
  • Soul Cycle classes
  • Equinox Barre Classes
  • Rumble
  • Bandier classes
  • playing soccer

Other people might say they like running five miles outside. However, I find that when I run outside I always think about how long of my run I have left. I’m always longing to finish. When I play soccer, I focus on my skills and tricks instead of the sole running aspect of the sport. When I do a Barre class, I focus on my flexibility and the sound of the teacher telling me what to do. When I take a Soul Cycle class, I make sure that I am with a teacher who is funny and who’s choices in music I enjoy. My favorite Soul instructor is James J.  – he is hilarious and I love the playlists he puts on in classes. He makes the classes fun and worthwhile

If one workout doesn’t work for you, try something else. I guarantee you will find something you like. Try sports, parkour, skateboarding, running, yoga or something else. There are many exercise opportunities.




Limit Electronic Radiation

Radiation is a topic that scares many of us, but many choose to ignore the threat. In today’s world, we all spend so much time on electronics. We text and call friends when walking on the streets to get somewhere. We use our computers to navigate the web, write documents, watch Netflix, read the news, and scroll through old photos. Many know about the effects of radiation, but choose to do nothing about preventing radiation from getting in our body.

We cannot prevent radiation. However, we can minimize the amount of radiation that we get.

Radiation can cause cancer by emitting high-frequency waves that can alter the DNA in your body. In order to prevent as much radiation from entering your body and altering your precious DNA, you can:

  1. use your phones/computers/iPods less
  2. when you take a call, use headphones instead of putting the phone directly to your ear
  3. move your phone out of your room when going to sleep and if you cannot do that then put it on airplane mode or put it on the floor (not at the level of your head)
  4. turn off wifi when sleeping
  5. when using electronic devices, move your head further away from the device
  6. use Bluetooth less
  7. use your phone in areas of better reception – as when there is bad reception your phone uses even more radiation to work well
  8. put your phone in airplane mode when you don’t have to use it
  9. don’t use wireless baby monitors.

The effects of radiation are understated in today’s society.

Try to do some of the suggestions I placed above more often to limit your radiation exposure.



Edible water bottle – Ooho

While I was researching for ideas, I came across this company called Ooho. It is an edible water company with goals to eliminate the plastic water bottles that are so detrimental to the environment. Ooho creates edible squares filled with water. You can take a square and pop it into your mouth, hydrating yourself. You can either eat the wrapping, which is made out of seaweed or just suck out the water and then throw the biodegradable seaweed wrap wherever. The company also makes flavored water and flavored drinks that they package inside of the edible squares if you are looking for some flavor with your hydration. The squares are not available for sale yet, but hopefully will be soon. However, the squares are available for events if you send an email to the company’s events email address. If you want to check out the company yourself, the link is down below. Plastic water bottles, all of them, get certain amounts of plastic particles into the water that you are drinking. The health effects of the massive amounts of plastic particles that are entering the water that you are drinking are still being researched, and are probably very detrimental towards your health. This biodegradable option is better for your health, as well as for the environment.

Just copy and paste it into google! :!.html

Drink Water Every Morning

It is critical to drink enough water in order to stay hydrated for your body to function properly. Water enables your organs to function properly, and through excersizing, thinking, and urinating we are constantly losing water. We teenagers most often are not hydrated enough ever. Therefore, we feel fatigued and cannot perform our best in school, athletics, or in socializing. Water helps us feel better and be healthier.

My Tip: Drink water first thing every morning. It’s really not that hard to do this daily. Just put a glass filled with water on your bedside every night and when you wake up drink the whole thing. The glass does not necessarily need to be completely filled – half way should be sufficient. Each morning when you wake up, look to your bedside, take the glass of water you filled the night before, and gulp it down. You will feel much happier, healthier, and energetic for the day.

Apps to try that will help you enhance your well-being

Forest – helps you limit your screen-time while benefitting the environment

Screen time – helps you limit and observe the amount of time you spend on your phone

Moment – helps you limit and observe the amount of time you spend on your phone

Fabulous – helps you, by giving you simple tasks to complete repeatedly, become a healthier, happier person

SafeTrek – helps you keep safe wherever you are. When in trouble, you just have to press a button and the police will come. Very helpful and it relieves anxiety just to have it.

Those are currently some of my favorite apps that help me to become much healthier and happier!!!