Improve Sleep and Lessen Stress with 4-7-8 Breath

Invented by Dr. Andrew Weil, this breath is designed to facilitate sleep and minimize anxiety. In order to complete the 4-7-8 breath, breath in for 4 seconds through your nose, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds making a “whoosh” sound. Repetition is critical – complete this technique around two times per day with no more than four 4-7-8 breaths per interval (more than four breaths might cause lightheadedness) and over time you will begin to perceive tranquility and reduced stress.

This method is not scientifically proven. However, many holistic wellness approaches are not backed up by conventional western medicine practitioners yet still have considerable benefits. In addition, sometimes holistic wellness approaches can be more effective than western medicine counterparts.

The 4-7-8 breath is a respiration technique that many wellness websites, professionals, and books promote.

The precaution: don’t utilize the 4-7-8 breath before a highly stimulating activity – as it can cause deep relaxation and drowsiness.

Overall, the method is VERY EFFECTIVE and you should give it a go!